Titanium FileChanger2
Download: Click Here
Source :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=529838
To use this, once you have placed it on your phone. Run the Titanium FileChanger2.mscr. It will ask which type of file you want to find and change, pick one and hit OK. Next, the File System Viewer will open and you will need to navigate to where you keep the file and choose it. Click OK, and it will ask you if you want to set the file change. Push Yes or No, and it will do the rest.
You can install these 2 files(in the zip below) anywhere on your phone as long as they stay within the same folder. They can be in main or storage, program files, my documents, wherever you want. Once placed, you could create a link to start menu. Your cpr and dll files can be place wherever you want also, and do not have to be in the same folders. They could be scattered as long as you know where to look.
Once you download my Titanium FileChanger2 .zip , extract the files, and drop the entire folder in your phone (preferably on your sd card), move the .ttf files(inside font and cpr folder) to the windows directory folder, and reboot to register the fonts. Once that's done, you can now use the T.FileChanger2 to mod your homescreen.
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